Thursday, August 4, 2011

Nintendo 3DS Sales Drop 50% After Price Drop Announcement

One week after Nintendo's price drop announcement sales numbers show that the Nintendo 3DS has dropped 50% from the week before. I think this is what we have been expecting. Gamers are clearly waiting for the price drop to happen. It is a bit disheartening that more gamers aren't jumping on the 20 free games, but I guess an extra $80 is the more attractive deal.

At least it's selling better than the PSP Go...

  1. PSP: 36,659 (LW: 26,854)
  2. PS3: 20,704 (LW: 23,343)
  3. Wii: 18,232 (LW: 17,114)
  4. 3DS: 16,415 (LW: 31,826)
  5. DSi LL: 5,267 (LW: 5,258)
  6. DSi:  4,625 (LW: 4,921)
  7. 360 1,616 (LW: 1,546)
  8. PS2 1,594 (LW: 1,475)
  9. DS Lite 138 (LW: 155)
  10. PSP Go 7 (LW: 14)

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