Sunday, August 14, 2011 Crashing

I have been receiving reports from people saying that the domain has been crashing. I am working on gathering more information at this time and hope to clear this issue up soon. If you've been having issues with the domain, please send an e-mail to with the following information:

  • Type of Browser and Version Number

Internet Explorer seems to be the main culprit. All information received will be used to help understand and solve this issue only. Please no personal details as they are not needed.

Blogger handles the hosting (although I'd rather move it to some real hosting space) and the address is currently working fine. The issue seems to stem from the redirect from the domain registrar to the site content on Blogger.

If you've been having problems, I do apologize. The issue was brought to my attention earlier today and I will work to find a solution over the next few days, until then use this link to access Play Nintendo.

Thank you for your Patience

-Robert Parko

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