Monday, September 19, 2011

Netflix Soon Offering Video Game Rental Service with Newly Formed Qwikster

Netflix has announced that it plans to split its streaming and physical rental services. How do they plan to accomplish this feat? Well, Reed Hastings felt that streaming and physical rentals were two different businesses, and on that merit decided that a new company was needed. Netflix will continue to host the streaming service, but the new Qwikster will focus on the physical side of things.

How is this relevant to gamers? Well, with the newly formed Qwikster will come the opportunity to rent games! That's right, Qwikster will begin to offer video games as choices for your rental needs. The service isn't up and running quite yet, but will be in a few short weeks. You can however, check out the official website. Even if there is nothing really happening yet.

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