Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Play Nintendo Update

Hey Everyone! It's been a long and restful weekend and now that the holiday is behind us, it's time to get things moving again around here. First things first, Dragon Quest X has been announced for both the Wii and Wii U consoles. While previously announced for the Wii, Square-Enix has made it official once again.

An Aliens Infestation trailer has been released by SEGA and that is currently uploading to my YouTube account. If any publishers, or PR companies read this post (probably won't happen), please contact parko(at)playnintendo.ca and I'll post/upload your trailer. I'll likely embed a copy, but I can also upload a copy as well.

Retro Reviews should also get a bump in the coming days. I've got a Metroid (NES) review about 80% complete and should go up any day now. I feel like my creativity has been low, plus bunch that together with writer's block and that has prevented me from finishing these reviews. Final Fantasy III will also make it out sometime soon.

This fall season (well, it's not there yet) will be a really great time for Nintendo gamers as there is a ton of new content coming to the 3DS, Nintendo DS, and Wii.

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