Monday, September 19, 2011

First Four Hours of Kirby Mass Attack

Upon opening Kirby Mass Attack earlier today, I immediately went straight for the instruction manual. Yeah, I'm going to start this blog series with a section on instruction manuals. I feel that they are an extremely important factor when setting my mood before beginning a game. Maybe it has something to do with my OCD? Before playing any game I NEED to at least flip through the instruction manual. My initial impressions were: Nintendo still makes a damn good instruction manual and it is in color! So what did I gather from my instruction manual excursion? Excitement. I became even more excited to dig into Kirby Mass Attack simply because Nintendo was willing to offer us a structured and well presented instruction manual.

Of course the next step was to play Kirby Mass Attack. After loading the game, I came face to screen with a great presentation. Kirby Mass Attack, much like its manual, is very colorful and clever in its presentation. Kirbys can be found at every corner. In the options, on the main menu, and later in the game they can be found drumming along to the game's soundtrack. What is pink, adorable and has 20 legs? Kirby Mass Attack. Early on it's easy to see the theme forming for Kirby Mass Attack: 10 Kirbys are better than one.

You begin with one Kirby, and with each new Kirby you acquire, the more fun you begin to have. Flinging Kirbys up and down and gang beating enemies doesn't get much better than this. Kirby Mass Attack is a very entertaining title right from the start. However, the experience only improves as you keep playing. You see, while controlling these 10 Kirbys is pretty simple, it's the sense of teamwork you feel throughout the title that is empowering. As a Kirby dies and slowly begins to float away, I can't help but feel like I've just lost a dear friend. All is not lost, as each Kirby is willing to go to any lengths, ensuring that all every Kirby reaches the end goal.

Saving a Kirby feels similar to the feeling of winning a Super Bowl, or at least I like to think it might. Having just one more Kirby by your side may mean that you can access a new area that you would have otherwise missed. Or that taking down a Boss will be much easier when working together. So, while controlling this pack of Kirbys is both simple and fun, It's the effect on gameplay that is a little more complex then I first thought. Each Kirby feels like they belong to something larger. A cause worth fighting for if I may.

It's easy to see that Kirby Mass Attack has had a huge impression on me throughout the first four hours.I've battle many a foe and adventured through many stages, but I did not do it alone. I'll provide a more in-depth  analysis of the game when I review the title.

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