Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 Get Release Dates

Mario fans will be extremely excited to learn that Nintendo has dropped off a few release dates today. First off, Super Mario 3D Land will be coming to 3DS handhelds on November 13. The game will include both gyro and StreetPass functionality, as well as the propeller blocks seen in New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

Mario Kart 7 will come a little later with a December 4 release date. Mario Kart 7 will include an optional first person mode that is controlled using the gyro sensor. On top of that, Nintendo has also decided to include the tricks system found in Mario Kart Wii. Lastly, Nintendo has told us about two new playable drivers for Mario Kart 7. Gamers will finally have the chance to play as Lakitu and Metal Mario! I think both are pretty neat additions to Mario Kart.
Source: PR

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